This is an update for those who like and follow my work even though I don't have many...haha. But obviously I haven't been posting a whole lot of work recently. I can't say I've been working on anything recently, anything personal that is. Everything has been school work. Making layout designs for magazines, or logos, or other miscellaneous art.
This summer I only have a week short of a month off of school, I plan on doing a lot of random artwork to really find my style and to improve. I know I need to make more digital work and focus my practice on there, but I wish I had the time.
So all I have at the moment is to post my artwork from school, but I dunno if I should, it's growing work and I don't feel the type of art I do is very appreciated here. If I get some good feedback maybe I will, or I can just try the Art Forums again, we'll see...I may have to result to that anyways since, for the third time now, I got unscouted (I feel like such a naughty boy...)
I would appreciate any comments, even if it's just to say hi, I guess thats a conversation starter. Anyways take care to anyone who read this far. I'll try to post some more NG worthy art, eventually. Peace.