So I made a Tumblr. If anyone would like to stay updated on my other work follow me on there or on Twitter, these are where I'll update and post any of my artworks or other projects.
I have a lot of plans for future things. I'm currently working on a Documentary film on a friend of mines "Summer Project." After that I am going back to school for the summer semester and I'm going to finally try and get some personal projects done and really start improving. Later on I might try some animation as well. Dunno when that'll be, but I already have ideas down for when I do. If I do.
Again, if you have a Tumblr or Twitter and would like to follow my work, feel free. Also I rebooted my "College Portfolio Series" on Behance. I'd appreciate if anyone checks that out. And maybe leave some feedback on here or on there.
Have a nice day!